Another Deal Altogether
Goose hunting is another deal altogether. Grown men lying in a field of stubble trying to make themselves invisible to the keen eyes of a Canadian Honker is a comedy routine in itself. While the birds are still tiny dots on the horizon the call goes out “BIRDS IN THE AIR!!” The next few seconds turn into a mess of burlap sacks and brandy bottles as several hunters attempt to disguise themselves as stalks of grain. The hunters wait in anticipation as the designated caller coaxes the birds within shooting range. Honk! Honk! the hunters hear as they squish their bodies even closer to the ground. Suddenly the tension is broken “who farted” is heard from one hunter…..”crap, I can’t find my shells from another”. The wait for the birds to arrive seems like an eternity. When the hunters feel like they can’t wait another second they hear the long awaited “TAKE ‘EM” from the caller. All at once the air comes alive with gunshots. Wads are flying everywhere. The sound of thousands of bb size steel balls racing through the air is exhilarating. After 6 shooters finish expending approximately 200 rounds, the group raises up to retrieve the fallen birds. It’s at that moment they realize they have only a few tail feathers to show for all that powder burned. The brandy is passed again. Shell boxes are retrieved from the pickups and burlap sacks are re-arranged until again they hear “BIRDS IN THE AIR” and the sequence is repeated.
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